

For a 1 – 6 year student – foreign citizen, who studies in English at the Medical Academy (structural unit) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “CFU named after V.I. Vernadsky “.

Dear student of the University, in case you were informed about your debt for tuition fees and you know exactly the amount of debt, you should undertake the following steps:

1. Follow the link

2. At the bottom of the page find and click the button “Go to the payment page”

3. Find in the field “Shop” the number of your enlarged group (the last figure in the list of debts, that we gave you). Since the payment system cannot accept the entire payment amount at one time, the cost of education is divided into months (see the number of the enlarged group), and you cannot transfer more than 99 000 rubles for 1 money transfer. For example, from the list of debts you know that your enlarged group is #1, so you need to point it out with the mouse, and click on “Add to cart” button.

4. Add the selected service to the cart.

5. Go to the cart:

6. At one time, you can make a payment in the amount of no more than 99 000 rubles, therefore, by clicking on the arrow next to the number, you will increase the number of selected positions to two.

7. The amount, as in the figure below, has changed and it is less than the maximum allowable – 99 000 rubles, so you can move on.

Go to the “Billing details” field, filling in all the details, including the “Additional information” field, which will allow to identify you:

– the name of the structural unit (Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky)

– the period of study for which  the payment is made (indicate which course, and which semester)

– contract number

– number of the enlarged group

10. After finishing to fill in all the fields, click on the “Place order” button.

11. Enter your card details and click the pay button. Then follow the instructions of the payment system.